First week out (1:30-3:30 pm)
21 minutes / Charles Fritschner / US
In 1979, Larry Williams entered prison and was released 42 years later. First Week Out follows Larry’s pivotal first week of freedom as he tries to make sense of his past, navigate life in a re-entry home, and forge a path forward.
Awakening to justice
35 minutes / UNTAMED / US
When a historian discovers a forgotten abolitionist manuscript dated from 1839, he and his fellow researchers uncover a text that sheds light on the reality of racism today — and the history of faith and race in America.
Talkback with film subjects Dr. Douglas Strong and Dr. AG Miler
Pine Grove: More Than a School
18 minutes / Janelle Proulx, Tyler Kirby / US
Told by members of the community and former students, More Than a School documents the story of Pine Grove, one of few remaining Tuskegee-Rosenwald Community Schools. Built in 1917 to educate African American children in the South during the Jim Crow era, the historic schoolhouse is now listed on America’s “Most Endangered Historic Places.”
Join or Die (3:30-5:00 pm)
103 minutes / Rebecca Davis and Pete Davis / US
Join or Die is a film about why you should join a club — and why the fate of America may depend on it. In this feature documentary, follow the half-century story of America's civic unraveling through the journey of legendary social scientist Robert Putnam, whose groundbreaking "Bowling Alone" research into America's decades-long decline in community connections could hold the answers to our democracy's present crisis. Flanked by influential fans and scholars — from Hillary Clinton, Pete Buttigieg, and Surgeon General Vivek Murthy to Eddie Glaude Jr., Raj Chetty, and Priya Parker — as well as inspiring groups building community in neighborhoods across the country, join Bob as he explores three urgent civic questions: What makes democracy work? Why is American democracy in crisis? And, most importantly…What can we do about it?
Talkback with filmmakers Rebecca Davis and Pete Davis following the film
Schedule is subject to change
FIT can be reached by subway: 1, A, C, E, F, R, or W, and the M on weekdays only. Take the 1, R, or W to the 28th Street Station. Take the A, C, E, F, or M to the 23rd Street Station.
Located at Seventh Avenue and 27th Street, New York City